Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 8 - Combinations of 10s

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 8
Xuan Kong Feng Shui and the various chart formations (Cont.)

Combination of 10s Formations

Formation 5 - Mountain and Ruling Star Combination (Single Palace)
The addition of the mountain star with the corresponding ruling star is equal to 10 in specific palace. This is an auspicious combination that takes away the negative effects of that particular palace.

Formation 6 - Water and Ruling Star Combination (Single Palace)
The addition of the water star with the corresponding ruling star is equal to 10 in specific palace. This is an auspicious combination that takes away the negative effects of that particular palace.

Formation 7 - Mountain and Ruling Star Combination (All Palace)
The addition of the mountain star with the corresponding ruling star is equal to 10 in every palace. This is a very auspicious setting in terms of health, relationship and human harmony. This setting does not cause any damage or any significant improvement in terms of wealth or career.

Formation 8 - Water and Ruling Star combination (All Palace)
The addition of the water star with the corresponding ruling star is equal to 10 in every palace. This is a very auspicious setting in terms of wealth, career and achievements. This setting does not cause any damage or any significant improvement in terms of health or human harmony.

Click here to continue to Part 9 of Xuan Kong Feng Shui


The Feng Shui Compass/ Lo Pan

>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tips on Feng Shui Compass Reading

Today there exist many different types of Feng Shui (Luo Pan) compass. It is believe that the first compass was invented in China around 2600 BC. A Luo Pan is an essential tool to accurately assess the geomantic qualities of a house or property. These Luo Pan was created from different masters and for different schools of Feng Shui. In general we classified them under the San Yuan, San He or Zhong He compass. All the Luo Pan has magnetized pointing needle that is finely suspend. They have rings or layers around the center needle. The simple Luo Pan will consist of 7 or 8 layers while the most complicated Luo Pan will have up to 39 rings.

Probably still work before 2012.

There is some rings which is common in all Luo Pan, one of them is the 24 mountains Earth ring. In my article, ‘How to draw the Flying Star Chart of your Property’, will be using the 24 mountain Earth ring based on San Yuan method. On the right is a diagram showing a Feng Shui Luo Pan on courtesy of goodorient.com. Below diagram show a simple Luo Pan template.

It is not mandatory to take compass reading using a Luo Pan. A good compass is sufficient for personal audit. There are some basic requirements in choosing a normal compass. A normal compass should point out the direction with a precision of 2degree besides pointing out the 8 basic cardinal directions. Why? It is because while using a normal compass, the specific angle will tell you on the sector of a Luo Pan. The normal compass should also have two rotating dial. The first dial with the angles spell out is to align with the north pointing needle; the second dial is to point out the specific angle of your facing direction. A professional Luo Pan will show the specific sector in a glance. It also comes in a square base to align with walls or corners. Some Luo Pan comes with a spirit level for higher accuracy. A Feng Shui Luo Pan is widely available for sales, you can check out the local Chinatown, or simply purchase them online. A Luo Pan will usually cost about 10USD to 200USD.

Compass Reading Tips
When taking a reading, removed all metallic personal items, shut off electronics and remove all nearby magnetic items. Take your reading from outside the property starting from the main door. Never take your reading inside the property. If the space allows you, take readings from all directions. If not at least take 3 reading from your main door. Since a normal compass usually does not have square base attach, you should make sure that the axis when walking along the 3 points is parallel to your property. You can mark out the axis of the travel route before taking the reading. You can also further separate the readings by first taking it at knee level, follow by waist level and lastly shoulder level on a single location. Record all the readings and take the average. When you refer to a architectual layout of your floor plan, usually the architect will display a north pointing arrow. Do not use this north as this is the 'true' north, while we should always take magnetic north which is what the compass points to. The two type of north is about 2degree apart.


Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 7 - The Basic Formations

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 7
Xuan Kong Feng Shui and the various chart formations

Previously we have understood the construction of flying stars chart and the basic nature of these stars in term of timeliness factor. In this session, we begin on the interpretation of these flying stars charts. I believe that the more systematic approach is to look at the overall picture of your property, and then narrow our focus to each locations/sectors of your property.

Statistically speaking, recall that we have the 24 mountains so we can have 24 possible sets of facing and seating directions. There are a total of 9 age periods in a single time cycle. Therefore we will have a total of 216 different combinations of flying stars charts. There are some charts which are similar to one another as they share the same polarity according to the San Yuan table. Strictly speaking, there will only be 144 different combinations of flying stars charts. There are 14 main types of formations derived by Feng Shui masters among the 144 different combinations of flying star charts.

It is not necessary to remember all of them, diagrams with tabulated tables are widely available online, books and in Feng Shui Trader.com. To start off, you would need some sketching materials from now onwards as you will need to jog down the details, analysis and draw your own conclusions base on different factors to determine the ‘Qi’ of each locations/sectors of your property. Below are diagrams showing the various formations. For the ease of illustration purposes, 'F' will denote the facing direction and 'S' will denote the seating direction. Also note that all the formations as describe below are interpret in it most original forms. If a particular formation is deem auspicious or inauspicious, it still needs the appropriate trigger to activate them. The trigger can be natural landforms, man made buildings/structures or human developed factors.

The reader is assumed to already understand the basic methodology in constructing flying chart. If not you could return to Part 1 of the series to read more about building flying star chart.

The Basic Formations

Formation 1 - On Mountain On Water
The water star in the facing palace and the mountain star in the seating palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very auspicious setting. It means that the appropriate stars are visiting the appropriate locations at the right time. The occupants of this property will enjoy both in terms of wealth and health.

Formation 2 - Up Mountain Down Water
The mountain star in the facing palace and the water star in the seating palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very inauspicious setting. It means that the appropriate stars visit your property at the right time but both the mountain star and water star end up in the wrong locations. The occupants of this property will suffer from poor health and poverty.

Formation 3 - Double Stars Facing Front
The mountain and the water stars in the facing palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very auspicious setting in term of wealth or career. It means that the appropriate star is renewing positive ‘Qi’ for you. However, this formation lack supports from the seating palace as the timely mountain star visit the wrong palace.

Formation 4 - Double Stars Seating Back
The mountain and the water stars in the seating palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very auspicious setting in term of health and human harmony. This formation lack drives and energy as the timely water star arrive in the inappropriate palace.

Click here to continue to Part 8 of Xuan Kong Feng Shui


Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 6 - Introductions on Flying Stars

Xuan Kong Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 6
Interpretation of flying star chart
Welcome to the second session of Xuan Kong Feng Shui tutorials, this series will discuss the techniques to interpret flying star chart. While I was writing on these articles, I was considering to ‘cheat’ more by discussing on the numbers combination itself. However, I couldn’t skip the session which you are going to read below. I need to start off by describing the basic nature and characteristics of these stars. As for now, keep the flying star chart of your property in your pocket, it will be awhile before we start to get back to it.

Timeliness of Flying Stars
We can classify flying stars into two broad category base on time factor; the timely and untimely stars. All the stars have a basic nature, some star will be more favorable or unfavorable then their peers. When a star is timely and at its prime, the star can be favorable even if it is the worst star. In their basic nature, star number 2,3,4,5 and 7 are classify as unfavorable stars while star number 1,6,8 and 9 is consider favorable. The most calamitous stars are star number 7 and 5. In the current age of number 8 (year 2004-2023), star 8, 9 and 1 is favorable while the rest is unfavorable. To simplify things, we can say that any star will be timely during their ruling period and so will be the 2 immediate following stars. The remaining stars will be classified as untimely. It is best illustrated below with a table.

In Xuan Kong Feng Shui, we will also rank a star’s merit in terms of magnitudes. There are some stars that required more attentions than its peers. Refer to the diagram below; we compare both unfavorable stars of numbers 3 with number 5 during the age number 8. The number 3 star is less malicious than star number 5 in terms of its magnitude. The star number 3 will be ineffective in stirring troubles for you unless you feed ‘them with patrol’. Below diagram describe the merits in term of magnitude. You may want to print out this page on the timeliness of stars.

Click here to continue to Part 7 of Xuan Kong Feng Shui


Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 5 - Flying the Stars

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 5
Completing the flying star chart of your property

Recall that we have collected 2 pieces of information. First is the age group of your house and second is the facing direction of your house. You are ready to construct the complete flying star chart of your house base on the 2 information. Every number of the age chart is associated with a direction; you need to know which number of your age chart is associated with which direction. Below is the age chart of your house and the default Lo Shu diagram showing on the directions. The default Lo Shu diagram describing the directions is fixed no matter what age group your house belongs to. Feng Shui traditionally places the north at the bottom. This is not to be confused when taking the reading of your house. You do not need to do any conversion or swapping of any sort. The Feng Shui Luo Pan is read the same way as normal compass. They will both point to the same north. From the two diagrams below, just to list a few example, the number 6 will be associated with southeast (SE) direction, the number 9 is associated with west(W) direction and the number 8 is associated with northwest direction. We know that your house is facing 45 degree northeast and seating 225 degree southwest. The numbers which is associated with this 2 direction will be 1 and 4. The number 1 in this example is call the facing or water star while the number 4 is call the seating or mountain star.

Age chart of property age 7

Default Lo Shu diagram

Refer to the diagram in below; we introduce the first set of water and mountain star into the age chart. There are still 8 other squares remaining that we need to fill up as well.

Let’s get start with the water stars first; we have to refer back to the San Yuan table. For those of you, who have printed out the San Yuan table, take out the table from your pocket. There are steps to follow closely. First step is to check under angle column for 45 degree NE and the corresponding San Yuan which in this example belong to the heaven group (highlight in yellow). Now go back to the table again, check under the number column for number 1 and check the San Yuan under the heaven group (highlight in blue). The corresponding polarity is negative and it tell us that we need to fill in the squares in descending order, eg 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. The flow sequences you remember earlier on are still the same. Below is the diagram showing the age chart completely filled with water stars.

If you have notice, the flying star no. 5 is missing from the San Yuan Chart. Traditionally if you are facing or seating with the no. 5 ruling star, you have to replace it with the ruling star in your center palace.

After filling in the water stars, our next step is to complete the flying star chart by filling up the mountain stars. Go back to San Yuan table, check under the number column for number 4 and check the San Yuan under the heaven group (highlight in green). The corresponding polarity is positive and it tell us that we need to fill in the squares in ascending order, eg 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. The flow sequences remain the same. Below is the diagram showing the complete flying star chart with all the elements filled in.

Congratulations, you have come to the end of the tutorials on building flying star charts, thank you for reading. We hope that by now, you are able to draw the flying stars chart of your property. The next thing you need to know is to interpret the chart. There is a flying star calculator in this page below on the courtesy of fourpillars.net, or you can click to open a new tab to an external calculator.

Click here to continue to Part 6 of Xuan Kong Feng Shui
Flying Star Calculator (External Link)

Flying Star Calculator

After you have key in the information of your property into the calculator, remember to check for any substitution stars. These substitution stars are to solve the problems between polarities. Do keep both the charts with substitution and without substitution. At times, one will be more accurate then its peers.


Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 4 - San Yuan

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 4
Understand the San Yuan and the 24 Mountains

A compass has a total of 360 degree. It is commonly divided into 8 sections of 45 degree each, describing the eight directions. In a Feng Shui Luo Pan, each of the 8 sections is further break down into 3 sections of 15 degree each. We name the 3 sections as heaven, earth and men thus it is the ‘San Yuan’ (three cycles). In total we have break down a compass of 360 degree into 24 sections of 15 degree each, call as the 24 mountains. The Luo Pan will have all the information displayed at a glance. Below is the table on the classifications, the table will also come in handy if you don’t have a traditional Feng Shui Luo Pan. I will describe on how to use the table in later session. I advise you to print the table out now as it will get a bit fuzzy later on. Notice the number 5 is missing because in the default Lo Shu diagram, the number 5 is suppose to be in the middle, it is associate with ‘Wu’ (formless).


Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 3 - Facing and Seating

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 3
Finding the facing and seating positions of your property

Every property will have its own facing and seating positions. There can only be one facing and one seating for each property. Take note that a building has a facing direction and that direction may not be the same facing direction of the units inside the building. As one of the occupant, you can’t change much to the entire building even if your office is residing in the ‘Yin’ area of the building unless you plan to move your office to a different location. So if you are going to audit a particular office in a building, it is more important to take the facing of your office as the primary considerations for the audit. In that way, you could perform remedies within your reach. Many people without considering various factors will just take the main door as the facing direction and that is wrong. The main door or front door is not always the facing direction of your property. It is unlike drawing the age chart of your house which is totally mechanical. It requires patience and observations to determine the best possible direction as which your house may be facing. There is totally no any sort of mechanical formula involve. It is better to consult a reputable Feng Shui practitioner to determine the facing and seating directions of your house. In simple, the facing direction of your house is the direction where there is ‘max’ Yang and the seating direction is the direction with ‘max’ Ying. They are both opposite to each other at 180 degree apart. Here I can offer some guild lines on the characteristics of facing and seating directions. Here how I do it.

Imagine yourself standing in the middle of your house, slowly turning your body while remaining on the same position. As you slowly turn, what you would have see afar from your position. The view that is most beautiful to you is likely the facing direction and the opposite of it will be the seating. There are other things to look for beside scenery, the facing will be abundant of live or lively activities. Associate this with a flowing river full of lives as the first thing you would see when stepping out of the house. Examples are busy road, foot path or running tracks and children playgrounds. Note that, the busy road or the foot path must not be parallel or facing towards you as this is one of the ‘Sha’ (kill). How can a sha be the facing direction for you? It must be perpendicular to you. Alternatively you could start first by searching for the most unpleasant view to determine your seating direction and the opposite will automatically be your facing direction. There are also some features you can look for when searching for seating direction. Examples are an old forks home, car park, remote buildings, forest, tall trees and higher buildings. There is no right or wrong answer to the different approaches. I prefer the first approach to find my facing and manually build the backing (seating direction). You have to experience it yourself in Xuan Kong. In my later articles will address other Feng Shui studies that will aid in locating the facing and seating directions. Once you have determined the facing direction, check the direction on a compass and record down the reading. Also when taking a compass reading, switch off electronics items and move away all magnetic objects. This is to minimize the interference from these things as you will like to have a reading as accurate as possible.

Be patience in searching the best facing and seating directions. Take a walk along the perimeter of your house while taking as many photographs as you could. Keep this photograph as references for your bed time read. Ask your property agent for additional photos and talk to him regarding the facing direction. Your agent may not know Feng Shui but he or she could offer a lot of additional information which may help you gains some insight. Below is a diagram is an example showing the facing direction of your house. The facing direction is at 45 degree northeast. We will be using this example to complete the flying star chart.

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Click here to learn about Feng Shui Compass


Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 2 - Age of Your Property

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 2
Determine the birthday of your property

Next is of course to know what you want to audit, it could be your house, office or simply a piece of landscape. After you have chosen the property you are going to audit, the next step is to dig out the histories of the property. The reason is to find the age group of the property and sketch out its age chart based on the year which it is completed. When we say completed, it does not however mean complete. There could be renovations, major repairing where most of the original exterior or interior design is change. Consider the following example; the property which you plan to audit was your house that is built on 1974 and it was completed in 1975. After some stormy weather in 1976, the roof of the house collapsed, you hired some contractor to fix the roof and the fixing is completed in 1977. Later after 20 years, you decided its time to give your living space a brand new look and feel, so you hired interior designers to help you renovate the interiors. The project started in 1997 and ended in 2001. Based on Xuan Kong for the above example, there were three milestones of the house in year 1975, 1977 and 2001. We always take the latest date of completion where major adjustment is made to the property and that is year 2001. Unless specified stated otherwise, we will be taking this example for elaborations throughout the coming lessons.

Building the age chart of your property
Now you have the birthday of your house, based on this you can determine the age of the house. Here not to confuse you with the birth and age of the house. While the birthday of your house is in 2001, the age of the house is 7. I will refer you to a table on finding the age based on the birthday of your house later in below. Now you need to know the fundamental system for time dimensions in Feng Shui. Time is divided into cycles of 180 years each. A cycle is divided into 3 periods of 60 years each. Each period is divided into 3 ages of 20 years. So working out the mathematics we have a total of 9 ages for a single time cycle. A number from 1 to 9 is assigned to each of the 9 ages. Here I bring you the table below for 2 full cycles so as for you to see why the year 2001 is under the age group of 7. You will just have to do your own simple additions and subtractions for other year range not included in the table.

Xuan Kong flying star chart look like a box with 9 squares arrange in arrays of 3 by 3. In Xuan Kong, each square of the chart will represent certain locations in your house. Later on, when all the numbers is filled into the chart, the placement and combinations of these numbers will reflect information about the different locations in your house. First, you will need to remember a flow sequences before you can build any charts. I will illustrate the flow sequence in a diagram as below. Follow the sequence base on number flow starting on number 1 follow by number 2 and then 3 and until the number 9.Finding the facing and seating positions of your property.

The above chart is not the age chart of your house or does it signify anything. It is just an illustration of the flow sequence to build any chart. When you remember the flow sequence, we are ready to build the actual age chart. Recall on the example that your house belong to the age group 7. We replace the number 1 with number 7 in the middle square and continue to fill the remaining squares based on the flow sequence. Your age chart will look like the below diagram. The chart is not completed yet as you will still need to fill in the water and mountain stars into the chart. The water and mountain stars will varies base on the directions of your house.

Click here to continue to Part 3 of Xuan Kong Feng Shui


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