Xuan Kong Feng Shui Part 7 - The Basic Formations

>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui free tutorials

Part 7
Xuan Kong Feng Shui and the various chart formations

Previously we have understood the construction of flying stars chart and the basic nature of these stars in term of timeliness factor. In this session, we begin on the interpretation of these flying stars charts. I believe that the more systematic approach is to look at the overall picture of your property, and then narrow our focus to each locations/sectors of your property.

Statistically speaking, recall that we have the 24 mountains so we can have 24 possible sets of facing and seating directions. There are a total of 9 age periods in a single time cycle. Therefore we will have a total of 216 different combinations of flying stars charts. There are some charts which are similar to one another as they share the same polarity according to the San Yuan table. Strictly speaking, there will only be 144 different combinations of flying stars charts. There are 14 main types of formations derived by Feng Shui masters among the 144 different combinations of flying star charts.

It is not necessary to remember all of them, diagrams with tabulated tables are widely available online, books and in Feng Shui Trader.com. To start off, you would need some sketching materials from now onwards as you will need to jog down the details, analysis and draw your own conclusions base on different factors to determine the ‘Qi’ of each locations/sectors of your property. Below are diagrams showing the various formations. For the ease of illustration purposes, 'F' will denote the facing direction and 'S' will denote the seating direction. Also note that all the formations as describe below are interpret in it most original forms. If a particular formation is deem auspicious or inauspicious, it still needs the appropriate trigger to activate them. The trigger can be natural landforms, man made buildings/structures or human developed factors.

The reader is assumed to already understand the basic methodology in constructing flying chart. If not you could return to Part 1 of the series to read more about building flying star chart.

The Basic Formations

Formation 1 - On Mountain On Water
The water star in the facing palace and the mountain star in the seating palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very auspicious setting. It means that the appropriate stars are visiting the appropriate locations at the right time. The occupants of this property will enjoy both in terms of wealth and health.

Formation 2 - Up Mountain Down Water
The mountain star in the facing palace and the water star in the seating palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very inauspicious setting. It means that the appropriate stars visit your property at the right time but both the mountain star and water star end up in the wrong locations. The occupants of this property will suffer from poor health and poverty.

Formation 3 - Double Stars Facing Front
The mountain and the water stars in the facing palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very auspicious setting in term of wealth or career. It means that the appropriate star is renewing positive ‘Qi’ for you. However, this formation lack supports from the seating palace as the timely mountain star visit the wrong palace.

Formation 4 - Double Stars Seating Back
The mountain and the water stars in the seating palace are the same with the ruling star in the center palace. This is a very auspicious setting in term of health and human harmony. This formation lack drives and energy as the timely water star arrive in the inappropriate palace.

Click here to continue to Part 8 of Xuan Kong Feng Shui


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