The Feng Shui Compass/ Lo Pan
>> Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tips on Feng Shui Compass Reading
Today there exist many different types of Feng Shui (Luo Pan) compass. It is believe that the first compass was invented in China around 2600 BC. A Luo Pan is an essential tool to accurately assess the geomantic qualities of a house or property. These Luo Pan was created from different masters and for different schools of Feng Shui. In general we classified them under the San Yuan, San He or Zhong He compass. All the Luo Pan has magnetized pointing needle that is finely suspend. They have rings or layers around the center needle. The simple Luo Pan will consist of 7 or 8 layers while the most complicated Luo Pan will have up to 39 rings.

Probably still work before 2012.
There is some rings which is common in all Luo Pan, one of them is the 24 mountains Earth ring. In my article, ‘How to draw the Flying Star Chart of your Property’, will be using the 24 mountain Earth ring based on San Yuan method. On the right is a diagram showing a Feng Shui Luo Pan on courtesy of Below diagram show a simple Luo Pan template.

It is not mandatory to take compass reading using a Luo Pan. A good compass is sufficient for personal audit. There are some basic requirements in choosing a normal compass. A normal compass should point out the direction with a precision of 2degree besides pointing out the 8 basic cardinal directions. Why? It is because while using a normal compass, the specific angle will tell you on the sector of a Luo Pan. The normal compass should also have two rotating dial. The first dial with the angles spell out is to align with the north pointing needle; the second dial is to point out the specific angle of your facing direction. A professional Luo Pan will show the specific sector in a glance. It also comes in a square base to align with walls or corners. Some Luo Pan comes with a spirit level for higher accuracy. A Feng Shui Luo Pan is widely available for sales, you can check out the local Chinatown, or simply purchase them online. A Luo Pan will usually cost about 10USD to 200USD.
Compass Reading Tips
When taking a reading, removed all metallic personal items, shut off electronics and remove all nearby magnetic items. Take your reading from outside the property starting from the main door. Never take your reading inside the property. If the space allows you, take readings from all directions. If not at least take 3 reading from your main door. Since a normal compass usually does not have square base attach, you should make sure that the axis when walking along the 3 points is parallel to your property. You can mark out the axis of the travel route before taking the reading. You can also further separate the readings by first taking it at knee level, follow by waist level and lastly shoulder level on a single location. Record all the readings and take the average. When you refer to a architectual layout of your floor plan, usually the architect will display a north pointing arrow. Do not use this north as this is the 'true' north, while we should always take magnetic north which is what the compass points to. The two type of north is about 2degree apart.
Today there exist many different types of Feng Shui (Luo Pan) compass. It is believe that the first compass was invented in China around 2600 BC. A Luo Pan is an essential tool to accurately assess the geomantic qualities of a house or property. These Luo Pan was created from different masters and for different schools of Feng Shui. In general we classified them under the San Yuan, San He or Zhong He compass. All the Luo Pan has magnetized pointing needle that is finely suspend. They have rings or layers around the center needle. The simple Luo Pan will consist of 7 or 8 layers while the most complicated Luo Pan will have up to 39 rings.

Probably still work before 2012.
There is some rings which is common in all Luo Pan, one of them is the 24 mountains Earth ring. In my article, ‘How to draw the Flying Star Chart of your Property’, will be using the 24 mountain Earth ring based on San Yuan method. On the right is a diagram showing a Feng Shui Luo Pan on courtesy of Below diagram show a simple Luo Pan template.

It is not mandatory to take compass reading using a Luo Pan. A good compass is sufficient for personal audit. There are some basic requirements in choosing a normal compass. A normal compass should point out the direction with a precision of 2degree besides pointing out the 8 basic cardinal directions. Why? It is because while using a normal compass, the specific angle will tell you on the sector of a Luo Pan. The normal compass should also have two rotating dial. The first dial with the angles spell out is to align with the north pointing needle; the second dial is to point out the specific angle of your facing direction. A professional Luo Pan will show the specific sector in a glance. It also comes in a square base to align with walls or corners. Some Luo Pan comes with a spirit level for higher accuracy. A Feng Shui Luo Pan is widely available for sales, you can check out the local Chinatown, or simply purchase them online. A Luo Pan will usually cost about 10USD to 200USD.
Compass Reading Tips
When taking a reading, removed all metallic personal items, shut off electronics and remove all nearby magnetic items. Take your reading from outside the property starting from the main door. Never take your reading inside the property. If the space allows you, take readings from all directions. If not at least take 3 reading from your main door. Since a normal compass usually does not have square base attach, you should make sure that the axis when walking along the 3 points is parallel to your property. You can mark out the axis of the travel route before taking the reading. You can also further separate the readings by first taking it at knee level, follow by waist level and lastly shoulder level on a single location. Record all the readings and take the average. When you refer to a architectual layout of your floor plan, usually the architect will display a north pointing arrow. Do not use this north as this is the 'true' north, while we should always take magnetic north which is what the compass points to. The two type of north is about 2degree apart.
I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^
What if the main door is not in the centre of the house? For example, the door could be to the right side of the house.
You take the reading from the door, maybe it is South. When you draw the bagua on your floor plan using the compass reading the South section may be in the middle of the South wall, the door would then be in the South East section. Is this correct?
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